Friday, February 20, 2009

Durban Jobs / Good Employers

The Best Qualities to Look For in an Employer

The best jobs are not necessarily the ones that pay the
most or that are the most prestigious right at this very
moment. You’ve got to look down the road a ways and see
what the future is like in that particular industry and job
role. Things are always changing, and the hot job of the
moment could dwindle in desirability a few months or years
from now. If you want stability and security, you should
think long and hard about what you ought to be looking for
in an ideal employer.

A great employer is one that looks like it is going to keep
growing in future, getting stronger and more fiscally
robust. You don’t want to get involved with a losing
proposition, so always consider the financial health of the
company you’re applying to. How can you learn more about
the finances of particular companies? You can start by
looking to magazines like Forbes and Fortune to see what
companies are “hot” and which are “cool,” who’s making
money and who’s losing it. There are also plenty of useful
resources on the web; just do some internet searching to
turn up relevant information.

A good employer is also one who gives you ample opportunity
for growth and development, both in your job role as well
as in high-level positions that are on the same career
track. Before you apply check to make sure that the company
you’re thinking of working at will give you the chance to
grow and improve as an employee. You probably don’t want to
be at the same level for the rest of your career, so look
at the company’s track record for promoting people in-house
and allowing people to rise up to high-level management
positions, etc.

You’ll also want to think about any significant perks that
may be offered by the company, such as benefits, sizeable
vacation packages, and so on. Companies that don’t offer
perks can still be all right for certain jobseekers, but
most of us need benefits packages that include health,
dental and insurance policies. Depending on your situation,
this may be something to think about prior to applying.

Finally, an ideal company for you is one that matches your
interests and that will utilize the best aspects of your
personality and skill set. Don’t apply to an employer whose
morals, integrity, character and culture are incredibly
different from your own, as you will be likelier to be
unhappy there. Rather, go for companies that seem well
suited to your sensibilities—this will go a long way
toward ensuring that you are happy in your job now as well
as many years into the future.

Ken Anczerewicz is an author and publisher devoted to
providing time & money saving resources designed to help
career & job seekers of all ages achieve their financial
goals. You can check out his best recommendations for
creating your own income stream by clicking here now:

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